
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a web-based platform that provides real-time scoring and officiating services for sporting events. It is designed to simplify the process of managing and tracking scores, and allows for instant communication between officials, coaches, and players.

How Does ArbiterLive Work?

ArbiterLive is a cloud-based system, meaning that all data is stored online and accessible from any device with an internet connection. The platform can be used for a variety of sports, including basketball, football, soccer, and more.
Users can access ArbiterLive through a web browser or mobile app, and can create an account to manage their own teams or organizations. Once an account is set up, users can input game schedules, rosters, and other important information.
During a game, officials can use ArbiterLive to keep track of scores, fouls, and other game-related data. Coaches and players can also access the platform to view real-time updates and communicate with officials.

Why Use ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive offers a number of benefits over traditional scoring and officiating methods. First and foremost, it simplifies the process of managing and tracking scores, reducing the risk of errors or disputes.
The platform also allows for instant communication between officials, coaches, and players, which can be especially helpful in situations where quick decisions need to be made.
Finally, ArbiterLive is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for even novice users to navigate and understand.


Q: Is ArbiterLive available for all sports?

A: Yes, ArbiterLive can be used for a variety of sports, including basketball, football, soccer, and more.

Q: Can I use ArbiterLive for my own team or organization?

A: Yes, users can create an account to manage their own teams or organizations.

Q: Is ArbiterLive easy to use?

A: Yes, ArbiterLive is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for even novice users to navigate and understand.


ArbiterLive is a powerful tool for managing and tracking scores in sporting events. With real-time updates and instant communication between officials, coaches, and players, it offers a number of benefits over traditional scoring and officiating methods. So whether you're a coach, player, or official, be sure to check out ArbiterLive for your next game.